Our Activities

Basundhara Unique Eco Foundation


In the realm of the environment, Basundhara Unique Eco Foundation is committed to safeguarding natural resources. We are actively engaged in conserving water bodies, ensuring a vital source of drinking water for animals. Furthermore, their tree-planting efforts are directed at increasing forest cover and protecting valuable forest resources, thereby enhancing the ecological balance. Equally important is their dedication to raising awareness about recycling plastic and non-degradable materials, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment for everyone.


 Within the sphere of education, Basundhara Unique Eco Foundation’s present focus is on empowerment and knowledge dissemination. We provide vocational training to women, placing a strong emphasis on women’s empowerment by enabling them to gain self-employment opportunities. Additionally, the foundation offers computer training, new language skills, and spoken English classes to children, complementing their formal school education. The establishment of a residential school for poor orphans and underprivileged children ensures access to quality education and a brighter future for these underserved segments of society.


In the social sphere, the foundation’s efforts are diverse and inclusive. We actively promotes a sense of environmental responsibility and sustainability, encouraging individuals and communities to become stewards of the environment. Empowerment of women is a central theme, achieved through vocational training. The foundation also supports underprivileged children by offering educational opportunities, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty. Additionally, We promote women’s health and hygiene in the community, ensuring that women’s well-being is a priority. Finally, by extending developing social services to the local disadvantaged population, the foundation works towards creating a happier and more equitable society.