
Basundhara Unique Eco Foundation

World Environment Day

On June 5, World Environment Day provides a platform for us to showcase our unwavering commitment to combating pollution and nurturing a greener future. Through our initiatives, we are on a mission to protect the environment from the harmful effects of pollution. Whether it’s planting more trees, advocating for cleaner practices, or raising awareness, we strive to make our planet a better place to live. We emphasize the importance of sustainable living and inspire others to join us in this crucial endeavor for a healthier, greener world.

Earth Day

April 22 marks Earth Day, an occasion that calls upon us to rekindle our dedication to environmental preservation and sustainable living. It’s a day where we renew our promise to protect the planet. Join us in our endeavor to plant the seeds of hope for a greener world. Our efforts focus on a wide range of activities, from reforestation to eco-friendly practices, all aimed at preserving the Earth’s natural beauty. Through Earth Day, we highlight our commitment to making a lasting positive impact on our environment.

International Women’s Day

Every March 8, International Women’s Day offers us an opportunity to empower women and promote gender equality. Discover how we champion women’s empowerment and education to create a more equitable society. Our programs and initiatives provide women with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive and make a significant impact in their communities. Through education and support, we are working towards a world where women have equal opportunities and can fulfill their potential.

World Health Day

April 7 serves as a platform for us to shine a spotlight on our endeavors to enhance community health. Our focus lies in creating cleaner environments and offering vocational training, empowering individuals to lead healthier lives. By promoting hygiene and improving living conditions, we aim to make a positive difference in the health and well-being of communities. World Health Day provides us with an opportunity to showcase our commitment to ensuring better health outcomes for all.

World Wetland Day

On February 2nd, World Wetland Day highlights our dedication to preserving these critical ecosystems. Wetlands play a vital role in supporting diverse wildlife and mitigating the impacts of climate change. We work tirelessly to safeguard wetlands, recognizing their ecological importance. Through conservation and education, we aim to protect these areas, ensuring they continue to benefit the environment and local communities. Our efforts on World Wetland Day revolve around raising awareness and fostering appreciation for these essential natural habitats.